I love this maxim. With this in mind and heart we have decided it is for new beginnings.
After almost 10 successful years in Santa Catalina, we decided to newly architecture our logo. The original one was inspired by the Mallorcan artist Marc Barberà Antolin, who creted the iron Duke structure which is installed on our entrance wall outside.
His iron creation resembles a wave that is about to close in with the letters DUKE inside the wave.
The German photographer Jan Kohlrtusch then took Marc's art piece and created a digital copy of it, which eventually became the vertical Duke logo.
Quite a story, so why change?
Our original logo is dear to us, nothign is "wrong" with it. As it represents the past, however, we decided to give it a make over.
A lot happened in the last 10 years. We have matured, grown, become wiser, learned hard lessons and managed to redefine ourselves in a new light.
We now are a better version of ourselves. A littles wiser, a little more humble and a little more daring than before.
The new logo was created by Ronny Portulidis, the original founder of the Duke. It is inspired by The Confidante Hotel font in Miami Beach. A place Ronny goes frequently to visit his family.
The reason this logo has been created this way is beacuse it represents, in ronny's eyes, the fine line between order and chaos. Something Duke is known for.
Chaos due to its super high dynamic and its bohemian ambience, packed with world travellers and locals alike of all age groups.
Order due to its commitment for excellence in service, wonderfully prepared food and professional staff. Consistently delivering top service and amazing food.
We hope you like it and will make friends with it. We invite you to become part of our story and part of our growth. After all, we build this place to inspire and comfort you with our creations and service.